Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Think of a Square

I tried out a new stylist...

She told me that she could quote "do this haircut with her eyes closed"...

I asked for a trim...maybe an inch off (to get el-splito-hairos off)...

She proceeded to cut off 2 to 3 inches...

She didn't add layers....

She texturized the ends...

I looked like this...

Here are some of the things I thought:
simply not fantastic
I think I cut my Felicity doll's hair better
don't cry don't cry...
did you cut it with your eyes closed
really? you can't see how awkward this cut is?
Oh is getting worse...and shorter...stop her before it gets worse...

What did I do? More to come on that later...

Friday, February 5, 2010


I would bet that if you have listened to any pop/rock/alternative radio station in the past 3 months you have heard the following song. I won't lie...I do in fact enjoy the song. Today I saw the music video...

I can't be the only one on the planet to find it incredibly awkward to watch...and by awkward I mean I cringed, blushed, and laughed out of awkwardness (and then started coughing uncontrollably...stupid cold).

Anyone else feel this way???