Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I cried...

Today I remembered how much I like this movie...
I shouldn't admit it but the first time (ok maybe the first 2 times) I watched it I cried. What weird movies have you seen that made you cry (or have an emotion that isn't typical)?

Monday, September 28, 2009

The History of Silence

Every Monday Wednesday and Friday in my 206 class there is a minute of silence before we start discussing that days reading. Today 30 seconds of that minute was spent by the teacher ringing a bell. I never realized just how amazing that minute was until it wasn't there. I blame the noisy 30 seconds on why my day was not so fantastic.
On second thought...reading Foucault might be the real reason my day wasn't so great...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

one reason my job is pretty fantastic

This month was my company's annual grand convention...which means I got an opportunity to go to Minneapolis for a week and work. While the whole working thing wasn't so fantastic there was one amazing perk that I wish I had back in happy valley...
Now it might be the fact that I am sleeping on a lumpy more than slightly disgusting mattress in my apartment but these beds were amazing! Down pillows and comforters should really be provided in every Provo apartment.

34 days 34 posts

I am pretty terrible at this blogging thing... horrendous if I am going to be perfectly honest. That is why I am setting a goal to blog everyday until October 31st. Fantastic if I succeed, not so fantastic if I fail. I figure that putting my goal out into cyber space might actually make me want to achieve it more.

Wishing myself luck...