Friday, May 27, 2011

Balloon Sea Monster

I first noticed that balloon's shadows are colorful when I was just a child...for some reason it just didn't make sense to me how there shadow wasn't just black.  Still to this day I find that fact so intriguing (as in I just spent way to long looking at pictures that showed balloon's shadows...).  

This fact probably is why I find  Anish Kapoor's recent work so amazing.  Anish was invited by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication to create a work of art that compliments the space in Grand Palais in Paris.  Anish created Leviathan 75,000 cubic meter balloon to fill the space.  From the outside the balloon looks solid and aubergine in color, when you look at the view from the inside the walls take on a translucent scarlet color....magnifique!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Shark Week

That's coming up right???  I actually have no idea...I don't watch it.  Why would you want to watch an entire slew of shows dedicated to horrifying animals that still exist!!!??!?!  Why yes I will spend 14 hours watching dinosaur documentaries because as I recall they all died...evolution won...and created something way more terrifying...Did you know that everyone who lives near and swims in an ocean WILL DIE!  I am sure this is based on the large number of killer sharks in the water.  

Moving on...yesterday was a very good day.  To celebrate I drove through Provo canyon listening to one of the worlds best bands!!  BSB or Backstreet Boys!!!  Let me tell you everyone those boys wrote some poignant lyrics!  Don't believe me?  Watch this...
to review here are some of those amazing lines...
you hit me faster than a shark attack
We all know how fast those are...if not see above picture!!

forgive my honesty but you got to go
it's good to not be passive aggressive with your feelings

There were things that made me all the hundred, no, THOUSAND LIES!!
whoa...1,000 lies...yeah you tell her Brian

Or this music video
to review again:
How can it be you're asking me to feel
The things you never show?
each side has to give ladies and gents

Show me the meaning of being lonely
Is this the feeling I need to walk with?
Another intuitive question...

Life goes on as it never ends
Eyes of stone observe the trends
They never say forever gaze if only
Guilty roads to an endless love
There's no control
Are you with me now
Wait...that middle part doesn't make that much sense...w/e

If there was any debate over whether BSB was better than say Jonas Brothers or Justin Bieber I am pretty sure I answered that question...heck yes they were!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

hard core drug use

When I was little I realized that if I squeezed my eyes really tight and pressed down on my eye lids I would see all of these amazing colors "zooming" by.  I am pretty sure that what I saw is probably similar to whatever you see when you do some hard core I don't do drugs I am just postulating.  Unlike hard core drugs...or like them(?) was super painful to maintain the correct pressure on my eyelids...instead of stopping the activity I would see how long in the "journey" I could make it (...I just tried this...and it still works...I got to about .5 of a second).    

This morning I saw this video...
it is kinda like my drug like eye pressing...


ooo just got to 17 seconds...