Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Dr. Hoo

(Click on the picture...)


Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Dear BYU-

In the past, the registration process has caused me major headaches...tonight the server would not let me in for 10 mins. Once I was let in....you routinely crashed, which is also a headache inducer. When I finally did get in and tried to register for classes...I found out many of them are not even offered fall semester....

Which all leads up to me getting a freakishly amazingly spectacularly fantasitc schedule for the fall....wait what?

Yep that is right...I pretty much have the easiest fall semester of my life...followed by what will be the easiest winter semester. In the fall I am registered for 7 classes...4 of which are 1 credit classes. That is right I have four 1 credit classes...3 of which are lecture only classes.

I have decide that being a senior and deciding to add a year (or a management minor) onto the college experience is the wisest decision ever.

Oh, did I mention that I will only have classes Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. That is right...I will have the honor or having a 5 day weekend!!! hahahaha.

I gloat because last week I worked 50 hours between my two jobs (let us not forget I go to school full time as well) and this week isn't shaping up much better either. Additionally, I will have the "luxury" of attending school both spring and summer semester...the one week in between I will be at my work's annual grand convention.

All in all...if I can just get through the next 5 months, my fall will be my summer....

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Steve Nash

I love Steve Nash...

Let me explain, I don't watch professional basketball. In fact I think the last time I saw an entire professional basketball game was....never.

Why do I love this man?

nough said.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Why I love my major....Reason # 1

What is the #1 reason I love my major (#1 meaning the first...but maybe not the greatest reason)...

I get to write a paper on this:
My guilty pleasure is about to become a 12 page paper on they symbolism of reality dating shows. To put it differently...the hours I have wasted with roommates watching a pretty horrific show is going to give me an "A."

I feel bad for all of those suckers with majors making them take tests with numbers and equations and stuff.

Cut All My Loses

I don't know about you guys...but sometimes I wish the 30 second previews on itunes were a bit longer. Why?

I sometimes will encounter an artist that I think I enjoy...meaning I have heard 3 or more of their songs and they seem pretty good. Usually I will do some research online about the artist (meaning I will try to find their other songs online to listen to before I commit to buying it for realsies...not pirating...I am trying to find music videos etc). Anyway, for a lot of these artists I can only find a couple of songs (usually the ones that I have already heard/have the song already) and then I turn to the itunes 30 second preview. Now due to the fact that I like the other songs I have heard, I have sometimes listened to the 30 second preview and thought, "oh I think that this will be a delight to listen to" and I cough up the money to buy the song. It is at this point that I realize that the only "good" portion of the song was the 30 seconds itunes chose, and I further discover that the only "good" songs the artist has recorded are the ones that I had already heard.

Now it might only be me...but I feel an extreme amount of sadness when this happens...which is only remedied by the opposite. Hearing an amazing song and realizing that all of the artists songs are equally amazing. That is what happened with this guy:

Trent Dabbs has officially won me over (oh gosh...I didn't even mean that to be a pun). Every song that I have heard/purchased is gut wrenchingly fantastic. I am hoping against hope that he goes on tour again (I missed his last stop in Utah) sometime soon.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Beauty of Hope

I just watched this movie,

What can I say? It was one of the best films I have seen this year. It seamlessly mixes elements of extreme realism with whimsical fantasy. The soundtrack moves you, the lighting design is pure genius, and is Audrey Tautou ever not amazing in a film? I will say that it is slightly hard to follow if you aren't paying attention (this is probably due to the fact that I watched it at 1 in the morning) but the beauty of the film makes up for any confusion felt.

This movie is definitely worth a spot on your Netflix queue or a trip to the video store (if you want to watch it, be warned it is rated "R" although it is easy to tell when "stuff" is coming up so you can skip parts if you want to).

Pop Culture

Today I had this conversation:

Girl: So I have been meaning to tell you...I really like your new haircut.

Me: Oh thanks

Girl: You kinda have a whole Edie Sedgwick vibe now.

Me: Are you saying I act like a heroin addict?

Girl: (blank stare) huh?

Dear World:
Don't use pop culture references if you actually don't get the pop culture reference.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

"I'm so tired..."

I am guilty of this one...sorry facebook world...my life just isn't amazingly amazing all the time.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Think of a Square

I tried out a new stylist...

She told me that she could quote "do this haircut with her eyes closed"...

I asked for a trim...maybe an inch off (to get el-splito-hairos off)...

She proceeded to cut off 2 to 3 inches...

She didn't add layers....

She texturized the ends...

I looked like this...

Here are some of the things I thought:
simply not fantastic
I think I cut my Felicity doll's hair better
don't cry don't cry...
did you cut it with your eyes closed
really? you can't see how awkward this cut is?
Oh Gosh...it is getting worse...and shorter...stop her before it gets worse...

What did I do? More to come on that later...

Friday, February 5, 2010


I would bet that if you have listened to any pop/rock/alternative radio station in the past 3 months you have heard the following song. I won't lie...I do in fact enjoy the song. Today I saw the music video...

I can't be the only one on the planet to find it incredibly awkward to watch...and by awkward I mean I cringed, blushed, and laughed out of awkwardness (and then started coughing uncontrollably...stupid cold).

Anyone else feel this way???

Saturday, January 23, 2010

This might have helped as a child

When I was little I dreamed of having long beautiful hair (I won't go into what my sister and I put onto of our heads as fake hair)...think late 80s early 90s Disney Princess. This might have helped curb that want...
Thanks Disney....

Dream Job

I decided that I would like to be on a computer fraud squad so that I can help capture computer criminals who carry computer cassettes (with all of the records of their computer crimes)....although maybe I should be a computer criminal...that helmet is pretty spectacular.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Tree

One of my favorite places to be is in anthropologie (an anthropology class is nice to be in too...but it somehow doesn't compete with the shop). While browsing the website today I came across this beauty,

at only $2,000 dollars (just under what I spend on tuition) I can have the silhouette of an imaginary tree on my wall. That seems like a super good idea...oh wait, I think an education/car/groceries/someone's soul/etc are better uses of the money. Who buys this stuff?? How much money do you have to make to have this be a reasonable object to buy? I looked at this and was reminded of a paper tree that I saw in an elementary school...but that one looked cooler. Anthropologie,if someone actually buys this then props to you...really well done.