Dear BYU-
In the past, the registration process has caused me major headaches...tonight the server would not let me in for 10 mins. Once I was let routinely crashed, which is also a headache inducer. When I finally did get in and tried to register for classes...I found out many of them are not even offered fall semester....
Which all leads up to me getting a freakishly amazingly spectacularly fantasitc schedule for the fall....wait what?
Yep that is right...I pretty much have the easiest fall semester of my life...followed by what will be the easiest winter semester. In the fall I am registered for 7 classes...4 of which are 1 credit classes. That is right I have four 1 credit classes...3 of which are lecture only classes.
I have decide that being a senior and deciding to add a year (or a management minor) onto the college experience is the wisest decision ever.
Oh, did I mention that I will only have classes Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. That is right...I will have the honor or having a 5 day weekend!!! hahahaha.
I gloat because last week I worked 50 hours between my two jobs (let us not forget I go to school full time as well) and this week isn't shaping up much better either. Additionally, I will have the "luxury" of attending school both spring and summer semester...the one week in between I will be at my work's annual grand convention.
All in all...if I can just get through the next 5 months, my fall will be my summer....